LASALLE x belif
graphic · illustration · print
LASALLE x belif
graphic · illustration · print
In celebrations for their 5th year anniversary, this project was in collaboration with belif Singapore where we designed wrappers for them. Although not chosen as the company’s first choice, this set of wrapper designs got selected as one of the top 5 where the public could vote for their favourite works.
With the campaign message “more than just you”, the theme of love was tied together with the notions of it within a community. Bees were used as the representative icon as I felt they strongly conveyed the ethics of love and support. Not only do they work for their own hive, but they also serve our ecosystem by pollinating flowers and producing honey; hence spreading love to mother nature and supporting our environment. Yellow was also used as the predominant colour as it well presents the image of the bees and at the same time, symbolises harmony and happiness.